We contribute to the construction of knowledge at multidisciplinary and global levels.

Pante, et al. (2024), Trends in Psychology
Self-reported versus computer task: Impulsivity in young males and females
Alves, et al. (2020), Frontiers in Public Health
Food acquisition in the geography of Brazilian obesity
Rosa, et al. (2020), Journal of Consumer Behaviour
The link between social interactions and trust recovery in customer-business relationships
Basso, et al. (2020), Health Marketing Quarterly
Exploring a social norm marketing campaign and alcohol consumption reduction among university students
Willhelm, et al. (2019), Substance Use & Misuse
Earlier alcohol use and lower neuropsychological performance in Brazilian adolescence: Is the school environment related to this?
Rigoni, et al. (2018), Psico PUCRS Online
Técnicas persuasivas de comunicação em comerciais de alimentos para o telespectador brasileiro
Viacava (2017), Journal of Management Research
Implicit cognition for alcohol in the workplace: An essay review article for health promotion and human resources management
Viacava, et al. (2017), Journal of Management Research
Process evaluation of an applied neuroeconomics extension course in consulting and management based on Kirkpatrick’s model
Rocha, et al. (2017), Revista de Administração da IMED
Panorama nacional de publicações em marketing social na administração
Viacava, et al. (2016), Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders
Attentional bias for food images after exposure to food commercials on TV
Viacava, et al. (2016), International Journal of Current Research
Motivational factors in a forest group certification project in southernmost Brazil
Viacava, et al. (2016), Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders
Unhealthy food commercials on Brazilian TV
Viacava, et al. (2016), Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
O gerenciamento da auto-organização em busca de matéria-prima florestal com certificado de manejo
Lopes, et al. (2015), Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Attentional bias modification based on Visual Probe Task: Methodological issues, results and clinical relevance
Viacava, et al. (2015), Health Promotion International
It is pleasant and heavy: Convergence of visual contents in tobacco, alcohol, and food marketing in Brazil
Palma et al., (2011), International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Sustainability in Brazilian federal universities
Viacava, et al. (2010), On the Horizon
Higher education in management: Reinventing the paradigm to gain the capacity to handle today’s complexity